
Breakthrough technologies to enhance the learning experience
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Minimum purchase from $1,000
Very low percentage of product defects (~ 0.5%)
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Enhancing the learning experience

ONKRON's multifaceted approach will accommodate introduction of new technologies in the education process.

Projector mounting solutions

Professors and teachers must frequently display information on TVs and projector screens for large numbers of students in lecture halls and auditoriums. Visual content helps the students absorb and structurize knowledge. Our projector mounting solutions have been developed with collaborative learning in mind and meant to engage students in the academic experience.

Why us?
Own manufacturing
High quality standards
Profitable resale and distribution of our products
Very low percentage of product defects (~ 0.5%)
Efficient and reliable freight forwarders
Partnership based on trust
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Official ONKRON store | Manufacturer of wall mounts, desktop monitor mounts and TV stands
(315) 968-2278
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