I used this on a monitor that was just under 10lbs and I did run into a few very easily fixed issues. This mount has a great range of motion, great fit/ finish and is fairly sturdy.I would have given this 5/5 on all aspects, but I feel there would be no way it would hold the max recommended weight I had to fully tighten all tension adjustments as well as replace the dual bolts that adjust the cant of the screen. This wasn't a huge issue because everything else was awesome and this is fairly standard. It is just slightly disappointing that the quality of the hardware makes such a huge impact on the product overall. I would have happily paid 50$ for this had that one piece been 100%.If you're a little hesitant regarding the screw, just wait until you see if its an issue for you (I believe this was because it was a heavier monitor), then bring it to the hardware store and have someone match it up for you. (this cost me like 64 cents).